Sunday, 16 April 2017

Easter: Bunny Rabbit Or Assassinated Dude? Your Choice!

So which story
Would you like to tell your kids
And broadcast from
The roof tops?

One about some dirty peasant dude
Un-educated, unshaven, illiterate
Charged with sedition
Hugging prostitutes and Outcasts

Or one about a cute 
Little bunny rabbit
[AKA Santa in a bunny suit]
Merry Easter

Oh, btw, the bunny
Also poops out chocolate
AHHHH gottcha!

I remember years ago
A Jesuit from El Salvador was
Sharing the meme thought
How dare he!!!

Coming from a war torn country
Trying to instill/in-spire com-passion [feel with]
In this land of peace, tranquility
And blind-ness

The Christ did this and more
He embraced the ugly, the stinky, the home-less
And even women! [considered less than garbage then]
How dare he!

Christ didn't poop chocolate,
That I know of
But he didn't talk
no poop either!

Perhaps he was silly
Telling the RICH to sell all
And that God's kingdom
Belongs to the poor

Maybe he could relate
Since he was a vagrant,
A peasant he was
Some might say an Anarchist!

The authorities hated him
Assassinating him on a cross:
Like all those charged with treason
They clearly had good reason!

But as we search for bunny poop [yum]
Remember some dude was assassinated
For the oppressed
And that we, likewise, are to

Die to our-selves
Our greediness, lust of material goods
And to sacrifice 
And stop the oppression

Both of humans
And  of nonhumans
And "mother earth"
The SHELTER with which we all live in

But, most of all
Let us not forget
The bunnies:
Especially the ones that have yummy poop!