Friday 5 July 2024

"...The LAND Is MINE And You Are But Aliens And My TENANTS..." - The Creator G-D



The glorious Creat-i-on

Revels in beauty

Harmony is its song

Listen, smell, feel....


Your excess-ive rush[ing] [and consuming of goods and experiences]

To no-where



Nature does not need humans

"Civilized" humans are a pariah

Greed, material-ism, luxurious "living"


Christians, Jews, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists

All should be ashamed

For justifying their self-absorption

And abusing our fellow humans and non-humans


Stealing the land



            Anything and everything


As if they own all

                It is MY land

              You are but aliens

               And my tenants*


All you talk about

Is your right

To en-joy life

To fly to 50 countries


Let's talk about respons-ibility   

It's time to BE [silent]

To observe 

To listen and hear:


Let the rivers clap their hands,

Let the mountains sing together for joy;

Let them sing before the LORD,

For he comes to judge the earth.

He will judge the world in righteousness

And the peoples with equity.

Psalm 98 [NIV]   


*from the Jewish scriptures: Leviticus 25 NIV