Friday, 1 May 2020

COVID19: God Sides With The Oppressed, The Workers And The Victims

While many governments are using the pandemic to take away workers rights, the religious/spiritual person needs to demand justice. Trump and his gang of thieves are taking away more from the workers to give to corporations - perhaps will be $4-6,000,000,000,000. Where are the riots?

Workers from Amazon, Instacart, Whole Foods and others are uniting. In protest, they demand the minimum: safe working conditions. But the wealthy corporations/Republicans say "get back to work". No breaks. No PPE [personal protection equipment], no sick days, etc. States will not give financial aid to those who are sick or fear going back to work. Shame! Evil, greedy, mainly old men controlling/deciding. Democracy? Yea.

Where's the participation of the worker/citizens in life?

But the church goer continues to pray, for "God knows what". And, ironically, perhaps, many conservative pastors who denied the reality of C19 have died! Telling the gullible to still go to church and that God will magically protect them - or outrightly deny the reality of the pandemic/science[sound familiar?].
God bringing justice?

The Buddhist, who thinks she is superior to the Christian, meditates for peace - while there is no peace for the poor or the earth. Bubbles. Reality Bubbles. But while these people may not care for the plight of the poor or the workers. God does! [Psalm 12 NIV Jewish Scriptures]:

:Because of the oppression of the weak
and the groaning of the needy,
I will now arise", says the Lord.
"I will protect them from those who malign them."
And the words of the Lord are flawless.

Clearly God is taking sides. The oppressor must 'pay'. [Huh? Doesn't God love everyone?]

So what kind of oppression do people suffer today? Isn't all work a form of oppression. Unions can help get rights and protect these rights of the workers. But many, like Trump and his gang, and all conservatives, oppose them! The owners of the capital oppress the workers. The workers are exploited and many can not even pay for food, rent, etc. Where is the government or biz helping them? We need to demand it.

In Ontario and many places, the horrid conditions of long-term care facilities is coming to light. 50% of the deaths are occurring there.  There the weakest live. God takes their sides.

And the workers that are not permitted to form unions, most often immigrants, struggle at unliveable wages. In Ontario $4/hr. has apparently been added to their wages - that from the same Ford government that fought to keep minimum wage below a liveable wage of at least $22/hr. He also cut public health by 30%! Yet, like his bud south of him, gave hefty tax breaks to the rich. God is not happy boys!

The wicked freely strut about
when what is vile is honoured among men.

Normal life of polluting by driving, flying, and the wars to get oil are considered normal, everyday, blah blah b....With Covid19 people in India are seeing the mountains. Air is breathable now in many places.
            "I've been to 40 countries and counting", proudly says the woman on the dating site.
                               The 2000000000 dead in Iraq might say these are vile, evil acts - honoured among people. It's time to change.

It's time those who think they are right-eous by meditating, going to mosque, church, work, ....
make real changes to the vile things they do. And to change the systems that reward fellow oppressors and oppress the poor and the weak.

      Then, God will arise in/through us. Time to take back the power. Value shift...
                                                                              Life [-style] shift.
                                                                                      "Sacrifice" for the privileged.

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