Friday 16 August 2024

Where Do We See G-d In The "Mess" Of Today? Here:

 There's lots of things

Going on today

That we want to avoid

Close our eyes, ears, minds, hearts to

We are like the authorities 

Jesus condemned 

For wanting a special sign [or a pill] 

To solve life's "problems" [Matthew 16:1-4]

So where can we see G-d today?

Just look at nature

Watch the native flowers open

And the pollinators gathering there

To gather pollen

To take home to their babies

Such love


Plants like golden rod 

Flourish if we let them

They are heaven to the pollinators

[And no they don't trigger allergies: it's ragweed that does. Golden rod is actually one remedy and also for colds and a digestion strengthener!]

Stop watch, listen, meditate

There in front of us

We can see G-d

Or maybe we need to plant something  or leave something to grow first!

We can see G-d in ways

We are conditioned to fear or even hate

Like when the tree frog happily chirping

Like a bird

Is gobbled up by a snake

How dare he! If he is a he!

We want to impose our foolishness and domination

On creation

But watch the magical 

Move-ment of the snake

As it quietly moves

And even "smells" with its tongue

You try it! 

We can't even survive without

A grocery store nearby

But all of nature does!

Or watch the spider

An amazing creature that makes a web

Try it! And catches 2000 insects 

In it's life time

You don't like mosquitoes?

Well thank the spiders for catching them!

Don't like ticks? Thank the possums for eating them.

Don't like mice and rats? God is there in the skunks to eat them.

And look at the humans who sacrifice them-selves

Like the parents who lay on their children to save them

As Israel drops another bomb on yet another school in Gaza [August 2024]

And all that is left are body parts of over 100 people

God is there and everywhere

That people stand-up for love: for justice - against oppression

And even those who sacrifice convenience

To not pollute

Like the woman who has a car

But takes the train instead of driving 

And those who walk, ride, and take public transit

To DO something to slow down the climate emergency


And those who take a moral stance

To not fly

Or even turn off the car's air conditioning

Saving 20% in fuel and pollution

We see God in those who follow

Jesus' command to sell what we have

And give to the poor

Shedding our second homes: cottages

And finally we see God 

In more small things [are they really small?]

Like when someone says thank you

Or when someone answers harshly

And calms down and says "I'm sorry"

Perhaps we need to be sorry

For be-ing blind to God 

In so many Creations - including us

We need to be creators of a beauty-full world

On an individual and also a societal/political level

Let's step out - stand up

Let's reach out

And thank God

And thank the frogs

And thank those who sacrifice them-selves

And don't forget the spiders too!

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