Monday, 12 February 2018
Jesus 4 Sale [limited time offer or it's off to hell you go, bitch]
Cool church service
A band on stage
A young pastor
But no Jesus on stage
Church on insta
Flashy pics
Wow video
But Jesus got banned by the authorities
They didn't like his message
To sell all and give to the poor
Bad for capitalism
Sing praise to Jesus: consume Jesus...yum yum...
We'll 'water down' the message
It's easy 123
Just say you're sorry
Jesus sees through the platitudes
Feel the energy
Sway with us....
We're all so happy and 'gay'
Jesus said first you must repent: change. stop doing wrong...then you can believe.
We even accept 'the gays'
We love 'em all
No judgement [yet we will say it's wrong if you corner us]
Jesus says you will be judged by how you live/love [verb - not emotion]
We're not perfect
We might even hurt you
Only God won't
Ah, now we are not responsible to be/act loving-ly [Jesus demanded to be 'perfect']
Other churches have too many rules
"You shouldn't....."
We're just about acceptance
Jesus said you must sacrifice/die to your-self for others [no new iphone for billy :(]
We're just normal people
We are the status quo
No challenging [political/econonmic/justice/equality...] questions here
Jesus challenged the racism of the Jews, the power/wealth/lives of the religious/political leaders...
Jesus was just a normal dude
He would have an insta account now
Just like us...he wouldn't stand out...
Christ was assassinated because he represented the oppressed
We're so wishy washy about substantial matters of living
By NOT demanding change
We are supporting
The oppression of the earth, the poor, the land, the weak, the air...
Let's go for a drive
And listen to the sermon
Ah, feel the breeze
Meanwhile the Tar Sands and corporations [and war for oil] devour God's land
The consumeristic message is clear:
Jesus is real cheap
Like a whore
You can take and take and take
We love the bible
[well....a few select verses: PAC theology: pick and choose]
Such a warm and fuzzy character Jesus was/is
Who was crucified for being an anarchist: a rebel against the state and powers that be
Treason all the way
The Romans were more honest about his threat
But let's just dance around
Singing praises to our peace-full lord and saviour. Amen.
Thursday, 1 February 2018
Spiritual/Religious Leaders Lead The People Astray
The spiritual woman follows
The spiritual 'master'
Taking absorbing every word
As 'gospel' truth
The religious follow the spiritual
Following some leaders who knows the secrets
They do not know
"Please share your in-sights with me"
Like children
The followers absolve them-selves
Of any responsibility
I will believe and obey
Dis-daining science
Disdaining questioning
Disdaining evidence
But I feel it is true
Placebos work because people believe
Even when they know they are placebos
It's about "faith"
Believe in the healer
Don't believe in your-self
Don't believe in real-it-y
Don't believe in ration-al 'thought'
Don't believe in questioning
Where/how/why do these leaders get their 'special-ness'?
It is beyond this world
It is out of reach
For a mere mortal like me
Help me
I will follow you
I will pay you
With money, my life, my attention, my mind, my body...
My soul...
Longs for the truth
But truth cannot be determined by intuition
Which is conditioned, projected, fabricated
"As for the prophets
Who lead my people astray,
If one feeds them,
They proclaim 'peace'" [Micah 3]
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